Message: Good Morning, All Y'all

After a nice 11 hour nap, I awake to find lots of interesting stuff. Also find Momma is up North of Guelph looking at another truck to buy. Oh Oh, here we go agin. I hope she is actually looking to horn in on one of Keeg's fishin spots, but history tells me otherwise.

Lots of lively yakkin on this site. Keep it up. Lots of good, salient points.

Bettzie points out that the weak sell to the strong on Friday long weekends, and there may be some dinkin around with the share price. Well, the strong whupped the weak Friday. Hope you got yer .045's you was loaded for there Bettz. Trading was spread out pretty good, including Q-trade and Merrill Lynch. Don't see them names poppin too often. Sellers spread out pretty good too. Seems like a fine thing to my simple mind. I'll have Hoov buy you a beer.

Goldbarroom brings up the point about reverse dilution, for lack of a better term. Nice catch brother, I'll have Hoov buy you a beer.

SMF mentions you shouldn't get to fancy with trading. Any lightbulbs clickin on there? I'll have Hoov buy you a beer. I still got the towel ready for them what may miss that.

Thanks for the readin, WC. I'll have Hoov buy you a beer.

The usual brainiac post from Hoov. I'll have Hoov buy himself a beer. I can't afford it. I still got boots to fill. If .055 is the new .04, that's 37.5% more I have to come up with. Means I will need to crank up to 110 hours a week. Thanks troops. Should be a snap.

Daughter moving back in with betrothed. Must re-work upstairs including kitchenette, re-paint, door to hold in 100 pound Rottwheeler cross, etc. In 3 weeks. Between normal work.

I wonder if a few PBR tall boys and a BIC lighter to the hind end of me pantaloons will cause the afterburners to kick in? We're about to find out.



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