Message: ROF Golf

My report is that I have nothing much to report. Jim, in a rather staccato manner, has managed to learn to talk a bit and say nothing really. He was in the cart with Strato, going like a bat out of hell, texting on his crackberry all day, cursing like a trucker. The man has got some serious energy and absolutely lives and breathes the development of both FMG and UC. He did indeed come back home to golf and visit his wife for a day before going right back down to Mexico. It is very clear that he does not waste any time on leisure, especially golf, as he is not a golfer. The only time he hit a ball all day was when he got some disturbing e-mail, started really cussing, teed up his ball, grabbed his driver for the first time and crushed a drive about 300 yards, cursing while swinging. I said to Momma, quick, give me a phone, so I can text Jim and call him an arse and make him mad so he will hit another one. The drive he crushed landed in the wrong fairway, so it was no good to our score anyway. He stunk out the farm the rest of the course. Team Strato came in dead last. So much for us being the odds on favourite. Strato, concentrating on making sure the tournament ran smooth, was like a tight wound clock. We finally managed to stuff a couple beers in his yap around the 8 and 9 ninth holes, so he loosened up a bit and started hittin 'em pretty straight and long. The old trucker himself, by a fluke of nature, won the longest drive. The wind died off for about 30 seconds just as I stepped up to hit one, then proceeded to start blowing about 50 miles per hour right into the face of the following players. Total fluke. Momma dropped a putt from about 30 feet with one of those goofy 6 foot tall putters, Strato and I right off ground yelling at the putt to go in, Jim on the crackberry and missed it, "What happened he says." Momma dropped another one, that was quivering on the lip for about 5 seconds before it fell in, Strato and I off the ground yelling " Go in", Jim on the crackberry, missed it. "What happened"

That course is a demon, the wind only made it more of a demon. Dang nice course tho. Nice people working there. Really nice people at the Marriott.

Gotta go to work. Jim, confirmed by Hoov, is a human dynamo, works like a demon, won't let you buy a beer. Has great confidence in the properties, and is amazed at Gerardo's work. Will fill in a few more observations later this week.


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