Message: Guten Morgen

Practicing my German. Been having a lot of contact with Amish and Menno's lately. Interesting folks. I now know how to find an Amish general store. No signs, no indication it is there. Only thing you see is a hitching rail and some horse droppage. Interesting news. Amish kids eat gummi worms and schwartzen jung also. (Licorice babies) And chocolate bars and the like. Lots of popcorn. Who'da thunk.

The cat hid out in the basement all summer, I assume due to the heat, but is out and about all the time now. Must be deer and mouse hunting season, tho I have not seen her take down a deer recently. She tells me that the annual report will be out Oct. 26 and the first quarter will be Nov. 28. I wonder if they will report the sample assays along with the news release of the annual numbers? Mayhaps. I suspect the assays should be back any minute now, if not already there. I trust there will be no oversight as to regulatory filing times for the annuals. Suspect that is rather fresh in everyone's mind at UC.

Pretty dull trading this week, as usual. I think we are all accustomed to that by now. News is around the corner. Gerardo seems to have a nose for bat quano or something and is finding lots of interesting dirt. Best I get to bonin up on me Spanish if I make it to PDAC to have a yak with him.

One of these days it will soon, be all over, cut and dried. Courtesy EmmyLou Harris. We will have our news. And crunchable dirt. One of these days.



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