Message: Wide Awake

At this sorry arse hour. Going to do my HST returns for the last few months. If that don't put me back to sleep, only a silver bullet will. Only me and werewolves awake right now anyway, and a few vampires, I reckon.

"The Company has spent $371,863 on mill improvements and has received $550,115 from the sale of the precipitate during the testing period. Initial ramp up issues have been experienced by the La Yesca mill while ramping up to full throughput. Although the sale of testing precipitate has exceeded testing costs for multiple months, it has not yet been tuned to the expected profitability. The company continues to improve the situation on an ongoing basis as funds are available and changes to the process are expected to increase both throughput and recovery." From last MD+A.

The theory all along has been, need I remind youse, is that we fund the operations through the sale of precipitation from the tailings. Throws a hard right cross at the burn rate. Nuff said.

Numbers for annual will be out Oct. 26 according to Cat. There is much to learn. That is the last day for compliance with the 120 filing rule. With the FMG fiasco burning in their brains, I don't expect they will miss it. Should they screw up, I will borrow the CFO's head to prop up a jack post in my basement, as that would be apparently all it is good for. Nuff said.

Pershing Securities Canada? Who the heck is that? Market order for 10K goes through at the open, then the rest of the day, a Mexican standoff it would seem. I have no idea what this week's trading tells us, if anything. These bizarre machinations are just as often related to tax issues as they are to any underlying funnymentals. Temptress in a tree plot is my opinionation on these matters.

I'm working 80 per week. Momma Truck is actually working more. Good news is she is training a dude who escaped the wrath of FARC in Columbia and recently moved here with his family. She can get back to her normal run and a modest 50 per week. She can do that many hours and mud the drywall daily. Tough broad.

I did manage to get in a few naps this week. Only problem was, I was driving at the time. Hee Hee. Only took out 1 small hasenpfeffer ingredient all week. No peoples. No deer, though them buggers is in silly season and seem to show up at the oddest places at the oddest times. First thing you learn driving a truck is to not kill yerself at their expense. Better them than me to be first to meet the maker. Nuff said.

All you closet forensic accountants get yer pencils sharpened. Not them pencils, the ones with actual lead in them. Prepare to digestulate and report on the numbers next weekend. I am expecting some hard homework out of y'all. Won't come from me. Brain and arse are simultaneously addled.

Found a long term leak in the upstairs bath, dripping on the lower master bath. Am just about done the up. Now must gut and redo the down. Ain't life grand?

No rest for the wicked, nor the stupid. You can fix wicked.


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