Message: one more time

Hmm. Perhaps a bit of comedy while we wait. Lawyers suing Bankers is pretty much what I got from the heading, and that was enough for me.

In truth, I have spent the better part of sixty years (yes 60) battling the forces out there in my efforts to gain a foothold in this world of ours, whether as an employee, businessman, or investor. It was not until I could finally stand above the sewer pit that either or both of the above dwell in, and see them for what they are, that I truly understood what makes this world what it is.

But then, at a neighborhood gathering this summer, I overheard someone making the same statement about people who play the stock market in an attempt to bilk other investors of their hard earned savings. Go figure.

At any rate, we should not despair. Financials are due this week, and maybe something positive can be disseminated for a change.

Best regards

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