Message: Various

For Mr. Kowalski, et. al.. Sprott Silver was at around $11.00 towards the end of June. We paid $14 and a bit for it. It is now $13.25 or so. No, we have not lost any money. On paper yes. Bookeeping entry. You only lose when you sell below the price you paid. We were in the black a few weeks ago. Most pundits are calling for a rip up in silver.

ROF assets were sold for about the same amount of money that was dumped into that bog. Good riddance to it.

I still think the timing of this selling last week was interesting. Gives you a month to buy back before next news release on Nov. 28 I think is what the cat says. She is almost always right on the dates. I say 29th for quarter ending Sept 30. I think a lot of this is tax loss related. Tho I am sure folks have lots of losses on lots of stocks. Good thing for carry forward rules.

Jim always spends a lot of time in Mexico. Has FMG and other interests there as well. I suspect he is kicking some arse and takin names, as he was, as I mentioned, quite peed off at someone during the golf tournament.

Later gang, beddy byes.


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