Message: Morning chat with the Cat.

Burp she says. All that recent selling was in fact a buying spree. Wild arse selling usually drives the price into the dirt. We have remained flat. Was and is a burp says Cat.

As to that recent question as to how much tailings got crunched to create 2 million bucks, in my head, without benefit of calculator, or any real hard data, I would say 10,000 ton would be in the ballpark. At some point, they should announce the said hard numbers and then we can accurately gauge the value of the stuff laying on the ground. Hoov the chemist fellar could probably give us some wisdom on this matter, but like he says, this is an art and subject to a whole bunch of variables and changing makeup as you grab different layers of the tailings. Changing price for your dore bars, etc.

Who wants to take a WAG at the tailings value? Wag the tail so to speak. What? 40-50 million gross? Net? Who knows. Couple bucks there anyway. Should be able to show a profit and pay for all operations for a few years and for drilling and a few beers for Jim.

If that drill bit turns up 8-10 grams of gold equiv over a decent area, it's like finding a twenty in yer pocket after laundry.

Jim is down there bootin arse. Get the mill fixed, the drill fixed, crush that freaking pile o dirt and get the money flowing.

Santa Claws rally? (Cat's term)


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