Message: Unhappy Campers

Barbu, you are far from the only one that is looking for some frank and serious discussion on the issues in Mexico.

I probably come off as the chief apologist for the management at UC. Guilty as charged. We only got rid of the ROF and got paid in January of this year and really had no money for repairs and such before that. We have our money now, and it turns out that spending the money on the said Ring to obtain our share worked out, as we got our money back.

That said, yes, what the heck is going on down there? Personally I would like to see a news release that stated something to the effect of "The mill is a POS and the drill is a POS." And I don't mean Point of Sale. The drill was supposed to start in August and didn't get rolling til November. Fix it or scrap it and buy another one. Contract out when we don't need it. They used the drill on FMG property and were paid for same. You can find lots of work for it. Tell us straight out what the problem is. We can take it.

We know the mill was mostly scrap iron. Does the term "millwright" mean anything to Jim and Gary? Get the damn thing fixed. Crush them tailings and do it now. Tell us what the problems are. We can take it.

I get PM's from other shareholders all the time, and we yak privately about concerns. I e-mail Gary and Jim when time permits. I chirped at Jim while golfing about doing a video explaining all the goings on at the mill and drilling etc. He said that was Gary's job as he detested the idea of what he considered pumping. He says he would be content to just keep working and let the news releases do the talking. Well the news releases are not telling us much and it is pretty clear that the lack of news is causing many shareholders to grow concerned. Myself included.

I still love the concept here of crushing tailings at a very low cost and using the money to fund further growth. It should be about as close to a no brainer as you can get, now that we are shed of the ROF and can concentrate on Mexico. The problems seem to keep popping up. As Don Jose points out, it is tough to work down there. It must be far different from life here in Ontario. Having experienced what happens in the automotive industry when something goes wrong, it is foreign to me. I have seen expedite trucks lined up and waiting for parts that are literally still hot from processing, run them for further work, and then run them to the assembly plants, one or two boxes at a time. 24/7 for months at a time.

The natives are getting restless, especially with the recent developments in the share price and the selling.

I recommend we bomb Gary with e-mails to get off his butt and get the message out. Maybe we will hear something after Dec. 23. Maybe it is all part of the master plan to let the warrants die on the vine. I have no idea.

It would be nice if someone could make it to the AGM and pose the tough questions we need answered. We could submit all our concerns to our spokesperson/s.

No, Barbu, you are not alone. Even my cat is tiltin' her head a little further these days.


Dec 02, 2012 12:07PM
Dec 02, 2012 04:57PM
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