Message: Rear View Mirror

Bernard Baruch said something like "If you keep looking over your shoulder, you will die of regret."

A little while back, Barbu posted about the lack of a frank and open discussion and I tended to agree with him. Perhaps that is a bit of rear view mirrorage as well. I have been in this stock for 70 months now, I believe. There are many here among us that have been around similar amounts of time. Perhaps we all succumb to the backward looking pull from time to time. Mr. Hamelin promised commercial production way back when. It's been a long hard pull. Like a garbage truck up a 13% grade. As Hoov pointed out some time ago, just about everthing that can be replaced on the mill has been replaced and maybe we will finally see the top of the grade soon. When that does happen, the past will be relegated to the dustbin of history in our minds.

Perhaps we all need to take some medication, some more than others, and continue to hang on to the hope that they can get this thing firing on all cylinders. I have pestered Jim and Gary numerous times. So have many others. Carry on.

Lost another friend this week to liver failure and have two more just hanging on for same reason. Hard livin, hard liquor.

Pabst Blue Ribbon and hard work are my medications of choice. Liver seems to be just fine. Everthing else hurts, though.

Off to work. Beer o'clock will be 8 this evening.



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