Message: Some Happy, some sad and some impatient!

Good Morning all,

If you are looking for anwsers to your questions please email Gary. I had a chat with him the other day.

Yes my Amigo from cool Mexico, (cool here too! 17-C this morning) there will be lots of properties available soon; In Mexico & Ring of Fire.

I am thinking 60-75 % of Venture stocks will go belly up in 2013.

But I surely do not think our "little Producer" will. Gary told me if the new tailings come throught all will work out.

A quote from one email this week.

"If we are successful in acquiring additional tailings we have been working on and silver doubles - our hard work will finally look like it was planned all along. Cheer"

From what all BIG Hard Rock Professionals are saying "2013" is silvers year!

But what do they know; they have no Crystal Ball! But they do know something we don't know; the Gold & Silver Market!

Let's hope they are right.


West Coast Guy

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