Message: News!

I knew that would get your attention. There isn't any. However, there should be some this coming week. As always, get yer pencils sharpened. We will need to see the numbers analysed forwards, bass ackwards without slant or airbrushing. "Just the facts, mamm"

Despite all the tomfoolery, this has always been a very civil board. As King Hoov points out, keep it that way. When Hoov isn't busy rasslin grizzle bears, he reads the posts. He has certain quidelines to follow as a CEO of a public trader, thus, you won't hear much from him. Rock Lick is a very busy fellow, so I quess that leaves me to play Whack-a-mole with innappropriate posts. Ain't you lucky. Although I swing a very big stick (as evidenced by winning longest drive at ROF golf) I am very reluctant to use it. Vortex and Legacy's picture fellas notwithstanding. We had a vote on silly posts and said posts were OK'd. A more strict King could easily whack half the posts on this board, including more than half of my own. But then you would miss my stunning hilarity and extreme modesty, and where's the fun in that? No cat stories, rodentsnuffin, deerhuntin, up on the roof full of beer stories. Oh, the humanity. Stories of Old Mexico, etc. Stuff.

As to the numbers for Q2, we had Mill Manager issues, drill issues, mill issues, "recently surfaced landowner" issues and who knows what else. We could be pleasantly surprised or kicked in the groinular area agin. The stock will respond by going up, down or nowhere.

As for my stated goal of 250,000 shares, I am very close and finally have some powder dryin. The short term picture is still very muddled, but I think the long term picture is getting brighter. I guess it just depends on what yer definition of long and short term is.

For all the selling that went on recently, there seems to have been an equal amount of willing buyers. There's an Einstein moment right there. Hee Hee. I may be able to buy at .03 or maybe at .05. Odd as it sounds, I would rather pay the .05. Depends on the news. 'Nother Einstener.

So, Gary ole pal. Let us have it. All of it. Point blank. No shrouding of any bad news in Ottawa speak. Washington speak for our Yank bretheren and sisteren. Good news will speak for itself, so no crowin' either. Get to the point where you can declare dividends and then you can crow yer arse off.

I've talked a bit and said nothing. Nature of this beast.

Let's see what happens with news.


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