Message: For the birds. Oops.

I recently posted that I had seen a bunch of Snow Goosii around Aylmer, On. Wrong. Turns out these birds is "Tundra Swans" on their annual pilgramage to The North. Thought they was a little big.

Now these here Tundra Swans is a type of Trumpeter Swan, leading me to assume they winter in New Orleans. Makes sense to me and Al Hirt. In 1930, according to some web site, there were about 70 of these birds on the continent. Now, they number in the thousands and that is just in one field by Aylmer.

If you are anywhere near Exit 203 off the 401 this weekend, head South and follow the signs to the Police College. Truly a marvellous site.

Now, I am not much of an ornerythologist, but there is something extremely peaceful and relaxing watching the birds go about their business. Momma Truck got me a pair of binoculars and some fancy bird watchin pantaloons a while back. Not sure what all the damn pockets are for, but, tell ya what, they hold a Tall Boy of Pabst just right. Momma says she is going to get me one of them hard hats with the beer can holder things and the tubes to wear on my head when I bird watch. Says it will clearly separate me from them other folk as to genus. Given that these Tundra Swans are twice the size of a Canada Goose, wearing a hard hat in the back seat of a ragtop seems to be a rather clever idea. I suspect the hindquarter projectiles from a corn fed Swan may indeed be also twice the size of "Stuff thru a goose" True dat.

I'll try for some pictures, er, well, I will have Momma take pictures on her Ipaphone thing.

More in a bit.


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