Message: Got proof Monty?

Perhaps you have noticed, Montague, ole pal, that there is an IP Check tool on this board. I just checked a few of your accusations. Not coming from the same IP address, so someone is going to a bit of trouble to have the multiple alias thinggy you say exists.

Your suggestion that negatory posts get stifled over here is flat out Poop of the Bull variety. Myself, Aafab, Jlatey (if you can decipher him), Grande and many others have posted some very fiery, right pee'd off messages from time to time, and they have been left standing. Do some research before you start flappin yer lips.

Can't speak for the others on this board, but personally, I find it rather insulting that you think my tiny little brain could be influenced by a pump job. "Can I get you another cold one, Sometime Great King?" can twist me arm de temp a temp, but damn little else.

You will recall, I am sure, Montpelier, that I prayed that the Tundra Swans would take a dump on the heads of all the squabblin posters at Shathouse and that I included Ivana in that hoped for strafing run. I don't care for the posts over there that link the price of gold and silver to the price of UC stock (c'eptin for the Sprott holding) , as I personally don't believe there is much of a link at this time. Commercial production is pretty much a foregone conclusion IMHO and is more or less priced in. Remains to be seen.

"At this time" and "Remains to be seen" are the key parts of the prior paragraph. I think, Montyzuma, that you are dealing with a Jessie Livermore crowd here. T'aint about the buying and the selling, it's about the waiting. Over 6 years of a wait for this old fool, but coming from a mutual fund background, I have found it difficult to break out of the "dollar cost averaging" thing. Made out like a bandit a few times buying in the dumps, but had me arse handed to me a few times as well. With an apple stuck in it.

Lot of folks here seem to also be buying down here. I have some drying powder that I was fixin to jam in here, but I have roughed up my tax bill to my pals at Revenue Canada and it would seem they will be sucking up this here powder and a bit more. I used to think Vampires and Zombies were scary, but have learned that RevCan has a far nastier bite. There is an outside chance I could ass-whup a few ghouls but no chance with them other fellers.

I suggest, MontRoyal, that you e-mail George, the big boss at Agora, and express your concerns about pumpage or multiple handles. He will look into it, I'd bet me left on it. If you find some proof about this, kindly let us know, otherwise, snap shut the old pie hole and prepare your apology post. Or else I will sick my Chihuahua/Jack Russel mutt on yer butt. Deal pal?

Speaking of the Chi/Jack mutt, at 14 pounds wet, she had a pure bred Rotty lad and a Rotty cross mutt cowering in the back yard last night. Friggin hilarious. 14 pounder up agin 2 80 or 90 pounders. Speakin of the back yard, can it be true? Has spring sprung? We had an huge fire with coals that could smelt copper, roastin chunks of pork loin marinated in some kind of apple stuff Momma Truck fabricated. Not the apple from me butt thank goodness. Stuff was so tender, a few pieces fell off into the coals. I fished 'em out and et em anyway. Not the first time I've had to kiss ash when the Momma is supervisin. Happy to report me bulbs is coughin up daffodilii and crocii.

That be it for now. Headin back out to the yard for more work. Momma's in arse kickin mode.

Later gang,


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