Message: no dividend ok i'll check back in 2 years

Good morning Crobar, Have lots of coffee ready this morning, feeling a bit doppy However you hit the answer precisely with your defination of a junior exploration co.

In this case, while the land holdings probably will not attract a giant co's interest, you have bet on a nice, small, 'working', mining co. One that will prob keep right on producing for possibly a no of years. in other words, a business.

Perhaps not a million dollars for each investor, but a nice thingiee for the investors to help weather the difficult years looming in the near future. The dollar 'will' collapse, and that will effect every other currency, even our Loony.

Incdentally it has been anticipated, since the new Dollar (?) design for coins and bills was developed several years ago, they are already prepared, soooo ???

Remember that you are dealing in Gold & Silver, products that hold a pecular niche. They are not subject to industrial demands to a great extent, but yes, the demand there 'is' there, & increasing yearly in the name of greater efficency, but also to a possibly a basic return to them to attempt to stabilize world curencies.

You might say a junior co is like a crap ( dice) game, while you haven't hit 7's on your first throw, you cetainly haven't hit 7's or snake eyes on your second. You are still in the game.

Aw shucks, am too sleepy this morning to make much sense, but my lovely mule does show appreciation and understanding, but then, she always does, sorta like Truckers yowler.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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