Message: Gold pushes through $1300 Again!

I think the smart money knows exactly what is happening....physical gold is not there.. the game may be over for the manipulators...if this becomes public on a widespread basis there will be a run on buying physical gold/silver ...and the gig(maybe I should say the rig) will be over. Too bad for the big boys but greed just like what happened in 2008 will do them least that's my guess!.

The next 2-3 weeks will be quite is amazing that the mainstream media is not covering this story...I guess it is because the big money/big banks controls the media. It is so shocking that ..that the regulators do not step in...I guess not considering after the 2008 mortgage derivative swindle that not one person has every gone to jail...the banks were bailed out to the tune of billions if not trillions ..and now that are back at it again...paying themselves 100 0f millions in bonuses.

When gold starts going up by $100 a day we will know the gig is over..JMHO..along with a few others.

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