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Are the Big Banks Trueful????


W.C. Guy

Guess Which "Bearish" Bank Bought A Record Amount Of GLD In Q2

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/30/2013 16:52 -0400

In early April, the status quo was exuberant when none other than Goldman Sachs issued a "sell" on the barbarous relic that has become so indicative of the exuberance of central planning. At the time, we were skeptical (to say the least) and, just for extra Muppetting, the bank also suggested its clients buy Treasuries. Well, now that the full details of holdings changes have been released for Q2, it is perhaps clearer than ever before that as the bank was telling its clients to "sell, sell, sell" it was itself "buy, buy, buy"-ing the Gold ETF (GLD) with both arms and feet. In Q2, Goldman Sachs added a stunning (and record) 3.7 million 'shares' of GLD. As Paulson dumped his GLD, Goldman lapped it up to become the ETF's 7th largest holder.

Goldman was the largest adding holder for GLD...

buying what its clients were selling in size...

This just seemed appropriate..

As we chided 4 months ago...

Thank you Goldman, we can always rely on you...

Charts: Bloomberg

(h/t Dylan Grice)

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