Message: Guten Morgen

Just checkin in. Still alive. Still swamped with work. Up on the roof today to start strapping for a new steel roof. Going to require a large amount of Pabst to get that done. Momma Truck says I should not drink beer while roofing. I explained that without the beer, I'm too scared to go up there. I mean, what can go wrong? Momma says it's best to put the safety line around the neck. Well, I hope she's right about that, but it seems a little odd. No matter, happy wife, happy life.

We should see the annual report by Wednesday or Thursday. 1st quarter will follow 30 days later, so lots of news coming down the pipe.

I am hoping Brother Gary puts the numbers out in the MD+A in a nice clear format so we can, without engaging a forensic accountant, determine how much dirt was crused, how much concentrate produced and how much money earned. It's a right bugger to determine these numbers the way the books are stated now. We shall see.

Off to London for a ECG and blood work for a life insurance policy. Momma insisted. AD+D rider attached. Safety line to be worn around neck. Momma says she will run for the beer so I don't have to keep coming down off the roof. Nothing wrong with this picture is there?

Later gang,


Oct 26, 2013 10:17AM
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