Gleaned from segment-3 of the Agoracom UC video: After repair of the ball mill, end of the rainy season and passing of the hurricane, UC is running at 120 tons/day. UC can declare commercial production once the mill is running at 200 tons/day for 30 days.
Once 200 TPD is achieved, dore poured, shipped, and paid for the remaining challenge is to crunch the numbers and decide if the mill is $$$ profitable.
So a question is: when will UC, when did UC, start the 30 day test for 200TPD ? And how long might it take to crunch numbers to decide if production is profitable ??? First quarter ? Second quarter ? HOOV ?
From Wiki: A doré bar is a semi-pure alloy of gold and silver, usually created at the site of a mine. It is then transported to a refinery for further purification.
The proportions of silver and gold can vary widely. Doré bars weigh as much as 25 kg.