Message: What Little I know

UC sold the properties way back....year or so ago; but remember the P.R.

Whe the the split happen; later sunvault was owed money from a loan so they own U>C> now and from what little I know they were going to for get mining and do some with the First nations in Canada.....I believe Alberta.

This all from my poor memoiry but I do not want to waste my time going back to check old N.R. make me sad as have been in and out since 2006. I still have some shares but not work even a home made cup of coffee let alone a Timmies.

Just came to look for a old post from our old Mexican amigo Jose.

Not even sure if he is still alive but he did have some good old stories.

I do know That Jim was let go/ out of the company when they sold/gave back the properties.


West Coast Guy

P.S FMG is now funded and moving nicely up.

Hey penny stocks are what they are....I owned shares from 3 others, 2 Mid tiers that went bankrupt this year too.

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