Bullau's Recent Posts
Title Rating Company Posted on ▼
Re: Dia Bras and Plexmar to Amend Concession Option 1 Plexmar Resources May 31, 2012 06:57PM
Re: obvious --- You asked? -- ZZ Plexmar Resources May 29, 2012 09:59AM
Re: obvious --- You asked? -- ZZ Plexmar Resources May 29, 2012 08:49AM
Re: Paulindoon - it is so very obvious --- You asked 2 Plexmar Resources May 25, 2012 06:34PM
Re: I'm ready to say goodbye to my investment in PLE 2 Plexmar Resources May 17, 2012 09:55PM
Re: Dia Bras keeps drilling..... NR 3 Plexmar Resources May 14, 2012 11:37AM
Dia Bras PP 2 Plexmar Resources May 10, 2012 11:51AM
Re: Am I holding out for a higher price - Yes Plexmar Resources May 01, 2012 07:26AM
Re: Hold out for higher price??? Plexmar Resources Apr 30, 2012 10:07PM
Re: Hold out for higher price??? Plexmar Resources Apr 29, 2012 08:41PM
Re: Hold out for higher price??? Plexmar Resources Apr 28, 2012 08:00PM
Re: No more PLE for Me 3 Plexmar Resources Apr 27, 2012 11:30PM
Hold out for higher price??? 1 Plexmar Resources Apr 27, 2012 07:55PM
Re: What about the Malin plant - From the NR 5 Plexmar Resources Apr 25, 2012 09:19PM
Re: Arias Capital Management 1 Plexmar Resources Apr 24, 2012 05:52PM
Arias Capital Management 3 Plexmar Resources Apr 24, 2012 04:13PM
Re: DIB Stock History -gdan01 Plexmar Resources Apr 24, 2012 04:07PM
Arias Resource Capital Management 6 Plexmar Resources Apr 23, 2012 02:54PM
Dia Bras 1 Plexmar Resources Apr 23, 2012 02:41PM
Re: Are we all really surprised?! Plexmar Resources Apr 23, 2012 02:31PM