"The TSX Venture Exchange: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, and that includes Mos Eisley spaceport."
I started investing in stocks last Xmas. I'm up over 35% after 8 months, in a down market. I must be doing something right.
Buy low. Sell high. Define a channel. Diversify among stocks. Keep a core and sell the extra whenever they're in the green.
Always suspect that you're wrong. Always look for information that proves you're wrong. Always ignore other people who are wrong. And whenever you realize you're wrong, and you've made a bad investment, sell as fast as you can and move on. Nobody makes money being wrong.
Don't buy anything without any fundamental value. So don't buy anything until you've calculated its value. So don't buy anything until you learn how to calculate value.
Read the commodity news. Stay away from lunatics. Don't listen to idiots. "Hopefully" isn't a word that should be used in investing. And for crying out loud, don't listen to anyone you find on the internet!