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Message: Re: the curse of rubenstein
Dec 01, 2008 05:10PM

i'm starting to feel like a little black cloud is following me around, and i may have to make another video in which you-know-who throws a tantrum.

I'm not a big fan of Jim Cramer OR Doug Casey, but they both said something worth repeating:

Cramer: If you're up big, take some off.

Casey: Juniors are like burning matches. Hold them too long and you'll get burnt.

Good advice I followed in the past, but for some reason chose to ignore with Aurelian. Instead I committed a huge amount of time and energy to investigating the politics of Ecuador only to be blindsided by the danger within - something I never anticipated. I take no comfort in the fact others were blindsided as well. The truth is, I didn't follow good advice.

The lesson is, take what the market hands you and don't wait around for that last 20%. Someone who already has 10M in profits is not going to hold out for 50M just so your 10K becomes 50K. They don't know you, and could care less about your dreams and aspirations.

So, take some off when you get the chance. As a small fish, you can move much faster than they can, but once the big fish start to move, you'll get dragged down by the undertow. So keep it real, and try and stay ahead of the big fish.

Another thing Cramer said which I took to heart: Leave something for the next guy. Bulls and bears make money, but pigs get slaughtered.


Dec 02, 2008 07:35AM
Dec 02, 2008 10:28AM
Dec 02, 2008 01:16PM
Dec 03, 2008 01:43AM
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