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Message: Re: What's the outlook for China ( on the way up )

Apr 02, 2009 07:18PM

But the facts of past and present history demonstrate that in all societies some have acces to the superfluous while others are denied their basic needs and it's also true between societies , so in all fairness it's only right that some things change with time or else some would be slaves for generations on end without any hopes .

Back when I was studying physics I came across Einstein's notion of the "Thought Experiment" and adopted it in my own work. One of the economic thought experiments I constructed was a simple question:

If all the world's resources were shared equally, without any political or economic interference, how would we all live? Would we all be driving Porches and living in 10 room mansions with an ocean view? Would we be eking out a pathetic existence on a dusty piece of land with only a thatched hut to keep out the cold, or would we all have the basic necessities: a nice little home, clean water, good food and most important, a supportive and happy community in which to pass our lives?

I don't have the answer, but it begs the question: is there enough to go around, or is the situation really as portrayed, a battle for scarce resources in which only a few are winners and most are losers?

I prefer to think we could all live well within modest means, but has anyone actually run the numbers? I'd be curious to know, since it would tell us a great deal about what to expect in the future.


Apr 26, 2009 02:20PM

Apr 26, 2009 03:55PM
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