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Message: nice volume

I found it funny yesterday that just as I was posting on SH about a crack starting to show in the wall at 0.05 - and someone posting the depth - that had seemingly been there forever, Anon swooped in and took it out in one trade. The fact that the buying continued after that was a bonus.

On SH, green kept saying that it would be March before we'd see 0.06, but we kept telling him that news would take down that overhang in a hurry once things started coming together. He had a point, but not knowing the trading history here he didn't know how the buying works once it starts. He's used to his CCZ that trades 10,000 shares a day. It would take a long time to burn through 3-4 million that was there at 0.05...lol.

News today would be nice, but let's hope for a follow-through even if there isn't.

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