Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Question


In reply to your question in why funds would allow some entity or entities to manipulate the shareprice of ARU down, I have a few reasonable possibilities.

First lets just state that without a doubt the price of ARU is being manipulated by Anon and Canofcrap.

1) Many of the funds and especially the more recent ones were able to buy there shares at these rediculously undervalued prices because of the manipulations of the MM. Many entities are taking advantage of these manipulations and hope to take further advantage of this in the future. If you are sure of were eventually the price of a stock is going to go and some entity is doing all the dirty work of driving it down for you, why would you try to stop them if you are interested in accumilation yourself.

The small retail investor has been flushed out and scared of for the most part, now it is just a game between the professionals. They have no interest in driving up the price of ARU so that a retail investor whose shares they want can have some piece of mind.

2) Like I have posted a number of times before these downward manipulations will go on till there is no one left to play follow the leader. Only the strongest retail investors, luckiest traders, management and of course the MM will then have shares for the big pay day. The price will go up only if a new fund recognizes the value of ARU and is will to drive the price up significantly in order to accumilate a position. They would have to drive it up very significantly now because it appears to me that the MM are not willing to sacrifice many shares now. They back off to a higher level as soon as there is any buying pressure. 

3) Many of the present large shareholders already have huge gains on ARU therefore they do not care if the price is dropped down 10 -20%. They use it as a buying opportunity because they know it is only a short term blip.

4) Perhaps there are a few small funds with a small stake in ARU that would like the manipulations to stop. They probably only have a small stake though because they do not know what they have and are thus not willing to go against the larger players. These larger players have a huge amount of shares, bought very cheaply and are probably one or more of the group that did one or more of the PP's. These small funds can not compete against these larger players and once again why should they. It is not in there mandate to drive up the share price of ARU in order that other investors may have some piece of mind. Especially when they can profit in the future from not doing so by buying cheap shares.  Even if they decided to do so, there impact would be short lived because there at the moment would most likely be very little follow through by other investors once they ended there buying spree. The MM would probably just as quickly drop the price back down with there tried and proven tactics.

5) We are at the price we are at because it is just to good to be true and the big players are jocking for position. No big player is willing to put up a large enough amount of shares to drive the price down because they are gobbled up by another large player immediately. This is because there is very little follow through on the selling side now also as can be seen by the ever decreasing volume. Therefore we have very few willing sellers and very few willing buyers and ultimately we are sitting here in a Mexican stand off.

The MM still attempt there manipulations, however it is only on a limited scale with 100 share blocks and it disappears as soon as any buying pressure comes along. Under these conditions, when the share price of ARU takes off it will be parabolic and those investors not in at the time will be left sitting in the dust. This I have maintained all along and I am heartened to see my predictions playing out to the letter.



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