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Message: I Am A Big Enough Man To Appologize

I Am A Big Enough Man To Appologize

posted on Nov 22, 2007 08:58AM

Fellow Investors,

First I would like to recognize JoeKing for his post were he states that

/ perhaps my reaction to reading spurrier's comments were a little emotional, .  so by being forceful in the retort i was a little mad and i hoped someone more aware than i could explain who this guy is and what if any relevance or influence he has as i had not heard his name before-thanks joe/

and I hope my post clarified that the writer of said article is of no importance to ARU. I would however like to state that posters should remember that they are in a manner of speaking, speaking on a public information site, therefore there coments should be made while they are in a calm state of mind.

On the 20th it was brought to my attention by Safeharbour that a poster reported me for a violation on a past post. The only comments that I can think of that I can not prove as being totally factual were the ones were I stated Bush & Mugabe were dim wits. I thought this was actually being kind to them considering the alternative reasons for the mess they have been responsible for implies much more sinister characters.   

I also did not realize that we had such distinguished members posting here on Agora. Therefore Bush, Mugabe I apologize for calling you fools and dim wits, apparently you have much worse character flaws than that hahahahahahaha.

If this is not the post that is in question, then perhaps the poster who reported me can come forward and inform me what he found so unfactual and offensive in my prior posts, I wonder who it could have been hahahahahahahahaha.

BritNick, in reply to SafeHarbours El Universo post, you posted this one and only comment ,

"Great article was that from today?".

Then just recently you posted this comment in reply to my post on said article

"For the most part I agree with you analysis of the article, poorly written and not based on facts or current affairs.".

First, how gracious of you to agree with my analysis of the article, for the most part anyways hahahahahaha.

Second, If you found the article poorly written, not based on facts or current affairs then for just what reason did you call it a great article prior to my post hahahahaha.

In regards to your following statements, 

/But you suggestion that Joe was offside in his rather stong opinion against the article because he may be a professional trader with alterior motives is imho a personal attack on another long.

I would expect that the President/moderator of this board put you on warning and request you apologize to Joe./

I never stated any such thing, now JoeKing has stated that he perhaps wrote his posts in haste while angry. My comments about him over reacting to this article are perfectly factual then and were never out of line in my opinion in the first place.

The conclusions that you have stated above are your own, for whatever personal motives you may have and no where did I state any such thing in my post to Joe. In fact, he responded with the answers to my questions that I was looking for, a simple over reaction.

I however find your response a highly personal attack on me, especially since it did not concern you. I, unlike you, will not presume to tell Safeharbour how to moderate his board. I am quite sure he will come to the correct decision when it is warranted, as he has done once in the past already.

BritNick, just so that you know, before Agora even launched its new site, they approached me on S.H. to be one of there first, hand choosen board monitors. Of course that board would have been ARU's. They liked what I posted on S.H., I turned them down because I do not always have the time to devote to such a undertaking. I regret that decision on a day like to day, that decision I will say was very fortunate for you however. Perhaps safeharbour will remedy that regret for me one of these days hahahahaha.



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