Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Back today from a visit in Northern Ontario

Back today from a visit in Northern Ontario

posted on Dec 17, 2007 04:35PM


Saturday night went out with friends to a favourite pub in a well-known mining town in Northern Ontario. After an hour or two the hockey game came on... Toronto vs. Montreal. Being a leafs fan it soon became apparent that I was in a minority group.

To the delight of most in the pub, Montreal prevailed victoriously. Still all was not lost as many mining types were about and I had conversations with a few. I now have two wishes as I think back:

(a) I shouldn't have drank so much..and, (b) I should have made notes.  But nickel, nickel , the excellent future of the nickle market was the buzz.

One chap was a truck driver who drove supplies to various mining camps.

Another amicable sort, was a chap close to 70 years of age who has been selling supplies up that way for over 30 years. He told me one of the best plays he felt right now was Liberty Mines and he talked excitedly about it and at length . Now I don't own this stock, but I like it when a person speaks with compassion.

So , keep an eye on Liberty Mine's future activity.

The next chap I conversed with had a relative in mining who has travelled the world with Macintosh Mining. He talked  and talked excessively about nickle and mining and wrote two of his picks on the back of his business card. Funny, I never picked up much about gold.

So, what are these two picks?  Damn if I can find that card as I pound this out.  Embarrassing.  Still, it might be in a folder still in the car.

Stay tuned.

Oh yes, I'm about ready for a nice pop up. Come on ARU.



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