Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: A Rebuttal

Fearless. As much as I believe Britnick to be an arogant, bragert, I know that had I followed his advice re trading ARU since I bought in Mar 07 I would be very much in the black as opposed to being slightly in the red. That is a FACT. Had anyone traded ARU including yourself as he said you would have that much more in your account. I apprecaite that you are not a trader just as I am not. However if you have made as much money as you claim and I believe you have why do you care what he says or how he conducts his business? Please don't say that its because you are tring to protect us naieve investors. Apparently with your background you know the mining business. See I would never realize that because you are too busy trying to bully others or wasting time arguing with Britnick. There are others on this board who also know the mining business extremly well who seem quite capable of explaining and teaching us less knowledgable posters without the cyber bullying.

I could probably learn from you as well if you just stopped pumping your fist in the air, stomping your feet and demanding that you are the only poster who knows how to invest. Your post yesterday speaks volumes about who you really are and I doubt you realize just how poorly it reflected back on you. You stated that "you demand respect..." Well I have news for you, you can't demand respect, real respect is earned. 

Do yourself a favour as well. Try real hard to eliminate the hahahahahs from your reply. Its makes it that much harder to respect an adult acting like a child.

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