Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Its Been A Slow Day / Brieguy

Its Been A Slow Day / Brieguy

posted on Dec 27, 2007 07:09PM


Your latest post though hardly glowing of me at least leaves room for debate. I certainly can agree with the first part of your post plus much more as you know.

You write,

/However if you have made as much money as you claim and I believe you have why do you care what he says or how he conducts his business? Please don't say that its because you are tring to protect us naieve investors./

Hahahahahahahahah, I would not insult anyone's intelligence claiming such a thing. I personally beleive that people should take responsibility for their own actions as I have stated before and that most people get what they deserve. It is as I stated before, I dislike propogandist, interested in seeing how many people I could make see what I see. Most importantly if by my logical arguements enough people desided to go long like myself then perhaps the share price of ARU would climb higher a little faster and thus force a bid from a company a little quicker allowing me to move onto other opportunities that much faster. From the personal e-mails I have received from some very respected members on this forum and other anonymous ones I have acheive my objective somewhat.

BONUS, i get to mess with those entities that I beleive have been manipulating the share price of ARU for over a year now on a forum where I can more than hold my own.

You write,

/ Apparently with your background you know the mining business. See I would never realize that because you are too busy trying to bully others or wasting time arguing with Britnick./

Well other than the fact that your statement contradicts itself because you have come to realize that I know the mining business from my posts. I have never started anything on any of the boards where someone has not taken a shot at me first. In all my posts if you read and think about them there is very good information.

You write,

/There are others on this board who also know the mining business extremly well who seem quite capable of explaining and teaching us less knowledgable posters without the cyber bullying./

Well granted there are a few members on this board who understand some aspects of the mining business and one who understands more than that. Extreamly well is a large overstatement. Has it ever occured to you that perhaps they have not pitched in that much because I take care of this aspect very efficiently and that perhaps members in private e-mails have expressed as much as that to me.

You write,

/ Your post yesterday speaks volumes about who you really are and I doubt you realize just how poorly it reflected back on you. You stated that "you demand respect..." Well I have news for you, you can't demand respect, real respect is earned./

Well, perhaps it does speak volumes to a person with preconceived notions. However, I through the years have more than paid my dues and I have earned everything that I have from hard work. Through my accomplishments and reputation when I come to a new job site, you better believe that I demand that they respect what I bring to the table. Few others can bring what I know and have the diversity of knowledge that I have, period.

I do not know what kind of work you do, but from your statement I suspect it has nothing to do with mining or construction. If you are in charge of a group of men on a construction site or mine and you do not have there respect from the start, respect that you ultimately are the boss and things will be done your way. Then you certainly are going to have a hard time earning that respect as time goes on because they will walk all over you and continue to do things the way they have been doing them, period. That is why I stated in the post that you think reflected badly on myself, give respect to those that deserve it.

You write,

/Do yourself a favour as well. Try real hard to eliminate the hahahahahs from your reply. Its makes it that much harder to respect an adult acting like a child./

You write the way you want and I will write the way I want and what I feel at the time I write it, tell me, does it annoy you hahahahahaha.


Dec 28, 2007 10:22AM
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