Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: Does this look managed?

Feb 28, 2008 09:40AM
Feb 28, 2008 09:48AM
Feb 28, 2008 09:52AM
Feb 28, 2008 10:58AM

Feb 28, 2008 12:14PM
Feb 28, 2008 02:31PM
Feb 28, 2008 02:45PM

Feb 28, 2008 06:06PM
Feb 28, 2008 07:14PM

Feb 28, 2008 08:27PM
Feb 28, 2008 08:39PM
Feb 28, 2008 09:08PM

Feb 28, 2008 09:48PM
Feb 29, 2008 04:37AM
Feb 29, 2008 05:53AM
Feb 29, 2008 09:25AM
Feb 29, 2008 09:54AM
Feb 29, 2008 10:06AM
Feb 29, 2008 10:38AM
Feb 29, 2008 11:29AM

Feb 29, 2008 12:41PM


I will place your idea's in parenthesis for easy of other investors to follow the debate.

( "Look at the chart for the past 1 1/2 yrs. The only period ARU appears stable at about $8. covers the period of the last week of Jan./08 into the 1st 2 weeks of Feb./08. The chart looks like a roller coaster running between $6.-$7. & $9.-$10. )

That is correct. However if you care to go back and check the times at which ARU peaked, you will notice every time the rally was stopped dead by some suspiciously timed editorial article. These articles have all been proven either blatently false or very misleading over the course of time. I guess in order for you to believe that this is part of the manipulation you have to believe that the press is very corrupt as I do.

( If you hold the stock down by selling at $8. area so as you can "accumulate" at $8. doesn't one offset the other? It would be just as valid to say the price was being supported at $8. so as the "big houses" could sell ARU." )

The only time it would offset one another is when the exact dollar value of shares and number of shares sold equals those gained, which in the markets is a near impossibility unless you sold and bought at the exact same price. There has been times during the smear campaign by Soto and others that as little as 30,000 shares sold at market at the open has dropped the share price of ARU over a dollar post split. That is over 4.00 presplit . There is only 2 reasons someone sells shares at market, it is either to get out quick or to manipulate the share price down. Since all the articles have proven false or of no consequence and because millions of shares where accumilated at the new lower base price, my vote is manipulation.

No it would not be valid to say the price was being supported so the big houses could sell because that is not the facts. The facts are that over the last 2 years fund ownership of ARU has risen from around 10% to almost 50% and that is just the ones we know of.

( The price & the volume are the evidence together with corresponding relative performance of all junior gold stocks. )

First the performance of other junior gold stocks has very little to do with ARU which is in a league of its own.

The price and volume are evidence of manipulation in my opinion. Everytime ARU's share price gained some momentum it was crushed by a conveniently misleading or outright false news article that was then further blown out of proportion on the internet. The share price of ARU was then dropped using selling at market into thin asks, filling the spread between bid and ask constantly to the down side with sales of 1 lot ( 100 shares), selling shares to themselves at a lower price among numerous other techniques to lower share price. MM were then able to recover the small number of shares they sacrificed plus many more at a much lower base price, which they have done.

For those investors who do not subscribe to one of the services that gives real time data and daily run downs of house trades plus other information. Then you must subscribe to one of these services if you wish to get a good handle on what goes on rather than take my word on it.

( When PA sold his 800m he also could have sat on an $8. offering until all sold. Would that have been manipulation? NO!! )

You are correct, it is just selling, but then again, he did not stupidly sell 800,000 at market or put them all at once on the open market in one ask. He has also not been in the market buying at the same time he is selling so I am not sure what your point is.

( If you worked on the floor & you saw indications of these big bids or big offerings why not join the party & go the same way. You know you will have an excellent chance to stop yourself out if things look like they are going against you. Small loss or bigger gain-good odds. Is that manipulation? NO!! )

Of course tagging along on the coat tails of the MM is not manipulation on your part, you are just going along for the ride as dictated by the trading data. Manipulation is " Shrewd or devious management, especially for one's own advantage."

( Manipulation sounds like illegality. Put your evidence together & take it to your lawyer. Maybe a class action suit is in order. The lawyer should be able to say if you have a case. )

The express act of manipulating a stock is illegal, while I am of the opinion that how one sells his own stock and buys stock is his own business. When a brokerage sells shares back to itself for either a higher or lower price and false articles are planted in the public forums this is crossing the line ethically and legaly.

It happens all the time however and the SEC and OSC could not possibly go after everyone, however they rarely go after anyone untill it is too late and then usually the penalty is only a slap on the wrist. The best policy for investors is to practice caveat emptor ( buyer beware ). In order to beware you have to know of the danger in the first place. If all investors were educated in how the markets really worked then these types of shinanigans would be short lived.

There is also no point in me starting a class action suite because I would have to show that I was somehow injured by such deception. It would be very hard for me to do that because I have only profited from the MM's actions. Over the last 1.5 years I have accumilating many more shares above my original position at a cost average much cheaper than todays share price thanks to them.



Feb 29, 2008 01:38PM
Feb 29, 2008 02:25PM
Feb 29, 2008 03:00PM
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