Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Does this look managed?


( has no one realized that major clients have computerized programs that have direct access to mkts for their trading.They can by-pass the broker at will ,any time they wish.

trade today can originate any where, most of the 100 share trades that show up during the day is a computer assisted program executing trade. )

the fact that computerized trading programs are being used has been mentioned once or twice already on this forum. It is also obvious from the speed at which these trades are executed at that it is not someone typing them in manually like we retails have to.

However computer programs are just software that have been written to perform a certain task under a given set of conditions. Whether it is a person performing the operation or a program it makes no difference. The objective with regards to ARU remains the same and that is to strip the retail investor of his shares as cheaply as possible.

( many a phone call has been made to Institutional trading desk asking what they are doing on a certain stock.

Your answer back ,We do not know,its not this desk,

several brokers lease out trading machines, ITG has at the moment a very hot trading platform that is being offered to Institutional clients for a very small fee. Bloomberg has a great trading platform. )

Well I would hardly expect the brockerage to confess over the phone to anything if it was actually the brockerage working a stock for its own accounts. Whether it is the brockerage or one of it's clients working through them makes no difference though. The Brockerage is required to ensure that controls and oversite are in place that does not allow clients to practice illegal trading activity.

Case in point when Canaccord was fined by the OSC last summer for allowing a number of clients to naked short stock through them.

( Stop worrying about little things, look at the future,yes they have played with our heads, )

You misunderstand my posts Marcus. I have never been worried, in fact I have spent the last 1.5 years trying to convince the readers here to hang tuff and that there was really little to be worried about.

( the present shareholders are battle harden veterans,all the cowards have gone to their reward. )

Agreed, however I might have used the words( inexperienced investors ) rather than cowards hahaha.

I agree with you, the market mispricing the valuation of ARU whether it be due to manipulation as I contend or just short sightedness as others contend. It certainly has provided opportunity for those of us who beleive in ARU's potential to cheaply accumilate shares. A fact that I have taken full advantage of.



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