Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Does this look managed?

Re: Marcus/Fearless

in response to by
posted on Mar 02, 2008 10:58AM

Lets face it the Brokerage system has been suspect for many ,many years. Mining companies also contribute to this corruption...

When a mining company has a site visit ...who do they invite?? Cannacord, BMO. Dundee etc. as well as the large mining companies...

Without a doubt, by going to these visits, these guys are"privileged" and whether directly or indirectly, they get access to inside information regarding the deposit that non visitors to the site will ever get. The fact that they are allowed to come back to Canada and load up for their own accounts on this information is suspect in itself. The fact that they try to screw the little guy is just that.

Being an American I have to buy ARU through its "pink Sheets" listing symbol AUREF. I also have a Stockwatch account where I can see my trade execute on the TSX exchange (I use ETrade) would be amazed at the difference I have to pay between the actual cost on the TSE and the US charge ( figuring the exchange rate) never equates....there is a middle man in there taking his cut over and above what I pay for a commission. Whether this is manipulation or not I will leave for you to decide is just a fact that it happens.

To play this game you put in your limit bid or sell and don't use stops. In the US you can't short ARU ( not that I would) so that is not an alternative. Many things have changed over the last 50 years....the computer has made this a different marketplace in that the "trader" has evolved . There have always been chartists but the in and out trader uses techniques that ( to me) have nothing to do with the company's business at all. Many are very successful at that game just as many are successful at the commodities game.

To each his own. All I know is there is not one answer to all of this !!

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