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Message: From El Univeso....

From El Univeso....

posted on Jun 01, 2008 05:46AM

There is some discussion here of removing property at fair price only for individuals who do not work the land. This was the primary reason why this started in the 1st place. I personally have no probably with this. Individuals/companies should not be able to arbitralily buy large plots of land without investing in it for long periods of time. This is especially true in poor countries like Ecuador who need the jobs this investment could provide.

Augusto Barrera, coordinator between the Assembly and the Government

No matter who vote No, but other than by misinformation

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Augusto Barrera divide su tiempo entre Quito y Montecristi por su labor como coordinador entre el Gobierno y la Asamblea Constituyente. Augusto Barrera divides his time between Quito and Montecristi for his work as coordinator between the government and the Constituent Assembly. Además es concejal. It is also a councillor.

Junio 01, 2008 June 01, 2008


Rate of six months and admits that the Assembly has not yet been achieved convey the core content.

Coming to the event and running 30 minutes late. It offers apologies and assured that, once again, not reached by both lunch rush. Even so, before starting, calls a few minutes to "make a llamadita."whether the doctor was, if you ate well, if received their math classes. Augusto Barrera Guarderas, somewhat in jest, some seriously, says that in recent months has fallen 8 pounds and it appeared 80 canes.
It should run between Quito and travels Montecristi-where at least three times a week for his work coordinating between the government and the Constituent, which met last Thursday six months of work.

Six months and only one sixth of the Constitution adopted. ¿Faltó organización? Lack organization? An important aspect was to establish a first time for receptivity proposals. My opinion is that this phase was delayed too. Almost until the end of February or even March.

No. Is Rather has not been excessive time spent on laws and mandates?. At the meeting which approved the mandate for portability, the opposition raised a discussion on the adoption of the agenda which lasted nearly two hours. The adoption of office lasted 40 minutes. Of the fifteen people who have spoken more in the Assembly, thirteen are in opposition. The problem is to establish a sort of verbal autocontención.

But there must also be space for dissent or make proposals, not only abide by. Yes, but some participate in an action for delay.

. Rafael Correa said that the great flaw is the belief that participatory democracy is to listen to everyone, all the time, and Alberto Acosta replied that the great failure can not be democracy. Rather than a different point of view, is the voltage entire deliberative process. The solution is not not listen to anyone, but we must put an end to this and move forward.

But is not the only point where they have differences. Is the mining issue, for example. It is a process that requires an intense and passionate debate. That which many see as a defect, is a virtue. There is no vertical chain of command.

But there is no friction ... Yes, there are nuances and viewpoints.

The opposition said that the proposals of the Executive receive special treatment. Ignore that there is a close link with the Assembly, which was the flag campaign of Rafael Correa, leader of PAIS (which has the majority), I think it would be almost as crazy Otherwise, absurd.
But in the table only 10 have been dealt with the bills of the Executive, when there are at least ten more institutions and citizen groups. As with any Congress, the Executive must mandar laws indispensable to their management.

Pero no solo el Ejecutivo, en todo caso, Correa se reúne cada vez más con el bloque. ¿Es adecuada tanta influencia sobre una Constitución que debe trascender a otros gobiernos? But not only the executive branch, in any event, Correa meets increasingly with the bloc. Is it appropriate so much influence on a constitution that must transcend to other governments? Es legítimo. It is legitimate. Hay un liderazgo, todos los bloques se reúnen. There is one leadership, all the blocks are met.

You are the link-Government House, but it is undeniable intrusion of other government figures. I share that at times there have been initiatives that have not been channeled, and where we learned, we stopped. Nobody can have an agenda. Has passed, it does not say no.

For example? Passed that the former minister of Culture, Antonio Preciado, had a different position and the Undersecretariat. There was a lobby on one side and another.

Another example. In the debate on the subject of consultation or prior consent to the community prior to exploit resources, the assembly said the minister Ricardo Patino called to say that favours consultation. It's different. The meetings we have had the effect of producing a position.

But one thing is to discuss block, is another draw. The chairwoman of the table, Monica Chuji, said he called her to tell him to withdraw the principle of consent. On one side of the balance will have the right of people to say do not do this work on my site and on the other those who need that work. There is a problem of general interest versus the individual.

But she has the right to maintain its position, this is wrong. Yes, but we have already discussed this hundred thousand times and finally resolved by absolute majority, which constitutionalize consultation, but not well.

In the block there is actually room for dissent? I assume that no organization is a debate as strong as us.

Why, then, Correa has called for the withdrawal of the block-who says he handled other agendas? He was not clear. It refers to the subject of consultation. I do not know what will be said (Chuji), but as far as we knew there was a minority report questioning the ethical and political attitude of the majority.

But one sector of the bases into question the dome of PAIS for lack of democratization. I think we are not COUNTRY. I've seen on screen, but do not know. There have been many problems in building the movement because it is a convergence of multifold.

But this is admitted by the governor of Guayas, Leonardo Vicuna. I do not know if Guayas, but the restructuring in the provinces must be as inclusive as possible.

Some proposals are not clear. The eventual expropriation, for example. What do you mean? In a normal society processes accumulation of property as right of individuals must be balanced against the collective interest so that society does not produce mechanisms by which a few focus throughout the property at the expense of living conditions of the rest of the people.

But some people have land and do not produce, but because they suddenly have no sources for that. We need to analyse each case, but there is a problem of general interest thereon. Let's say I have one hundred thousand hectares and people are dying of hunger, but it seems to me that in my one hundred thousand hectares am not going to sow anything.

And what is there? He said: "Why, sir, is not investing? You have so much time with these conditions. " Now, with this law, municipalities may expropriate the land which are of public interest by paying a fair price.

Are there other options such as taxing property unproductive? At this time there should be more because many times the property is unproductive for fattening. For example, it has a fantastic spot in the centre, said: "I bought a 20, one day it sells to 400". What invested there? Nada. . Nothing. It is logical that charged a higher rate.

In Guayaquil, the Welfare Board has land in sectors of high added value and will not sell, rent only. It is fatal. In such cases we must intervene. Tiene impactos. Have impacts. In Quito, for example, 30% of the land surface are fattening (not used), means that population pressure is going to the suburbs and ending with a largest city. My view is that these people must be applied a tax more progressive: either build or how much it costs, take and give.

The number of people relying heavily in the Assembly rose from 22% in January to 5% in May, according to the survey of Santiago Perez.What have the responsibility system and COUNTRY? Opposition gives us better data in the surveys (laughs). The Assembly has failed to convey the core. The first months laws and mandates filled public opinion and debate in the past month below. We discussed on inheritance and abortion and not on the major issues. That was an unforgivable mistake that perhaps we are not realized. I think it would be terrible that people do not vote because I believe that will go a guinea pig in the coat. No importa que voten No matter who vote No, but other than because of misinformation.

What will then seek the strategy for YES? These things must be improved, improve communication and make an information campaign.

On what basis will establish strategies? ¿Is Again in the figure as Correa axis? Say that the President will be a key element, but what we are going to vote is the Constitution. Of course the president Rafael Correa drive, but that the Yes vote by the Constitution.

Perfil Profile
Augusto Barrera G. Augusto G. Barrera

46 años. 46 years.
PROFESIÓN Profession
Médico experto en desarrollo con una maestría en Ciencias Políticas (España) y un diplomado en Teoría Social (Flacso-Ecuador). Medical expert in development with a master's degree in Political Science (Spain) and a Diploma in Social Theory (Flacso-Ecuador).

Paralelamente es concejal de Quito por la coalición Foro Urbano e integrante del buró de PAIS. In parallel is councillor of Quito by the coalition Urban Forum and a member of the bureau of PAIS. Fue secretario de Planificación y Diálogo Social de Lucio Gutiérrez. He was secretary of Planning and Social Dialogue Lucio Gutiérrez. Se desafilió de Pachakutik en diciembre del 2005 con el hoy asambleísta Virgilio Hernández (PAIS) por discrepancias internas con la organización. It desafilió of Pachakutik in December 2005 with today Assemblyman Virgilio Hernandez (PAIS) by internal disagreements with the organization.

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