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Message: Model 'extractive' in the Assembly debate (from

Model 'extractive' in the Assembly debate (from

posted on Jun 01, 2008 05:50AM

Google translation:

Model 'extractive' in the Assembly debate

June 01, 2008

After the departure of Alberto Acosta of the Ministry of Energy to head the list of candidates for the Constituent Assembly by PAIS (and then assume its chairmanship), the initiative Yasuní ITT lost her main 'godfather' within the regime.

But Acosta, who has been linked to the environmental movement for over 20 years, moved to the Constituent its concern over this issue, although geared to the debate on a change in economic development model.

A model that arises mainly non-extraction of natural resources and a relationship of indigenous communities that have traditionally guarded.

The country must prepare to live a "pospetrolera economy", which will not be dropping the keys of oil overnight, "said Acosta the previous Sunday in an interview with the programme 'Zero Tolerance'.

"We need to recover some oil fields in an appropriate manner and any expansion of border oil should be explored whether or not," he said Acosta, for whom "our country smells like product, not intelligence."

A vision that contrasts with that of the president Rafael Correa, who has raised the "responsible mining" of natural resources, calling "Child environmentalists" who oppose it.

Adherence to one or another position has been a source of discrepancies in the bloc of countries, and indeed complicate the drafting of the constitutional text.

While the chapter on development scheme which was discussed between Friday and yesterday is transverse axis respect for nature, there is clearly remains whether or not the model "extractive".

One area of movement akin to gobiernista Correa argues that the Executive is who takes responsibility for deciding on the exploitation of natural resources.

Hence reject the proposal of indigenous groups include the prior forms of self-government in so-called territorial constituencies. That 'wing' are, for example, Rolando Panchana (5 vice president of the Bureau of Natural Resources and Biodiversity) and Diana Acosta, whose family is linked to mining activity.

And although not coincide with Correa, SP, PRI and PSC are in agreement with the responsible extraction of resources.

Another sector, led by Acosta and Monica Chuji, raises, however, a transition to a model of harmonious development between human and nature. This trend joined the assembly of Pachakutik, the political arm of the CONAI, as well as Martha Roldós (RED).

Roberto Villacreses, a researcher at the Ecuadorian Institute of Political Economy, thinks that, because of its link to leftist groups, Correa must preserve the environment, but it needs resources to sustain their political project.

Luis Corral, a member of the grouping Amazon for Life, driving the plan Yasuni, cree que Correa has a vision "of the short-term economy," similar to the right, which has questioned both.

On the extraction of natural resources

Pedro de la Cruz
Assemblyman of PAIS
"The foreign powers have a duty to allocate money to leave oil on land."

Andres Pavon
Assemblyman PRI
"Having oil is an asset to be exploited as is done everywhere, but rationally."

Alfredo Ortiz
Assemblyman RED
"We must assume the exploitation of natural resources, but in a rational way."

Leonardo Viteri
Assemblyman PSC
"We need to promote balanced development and can not be reached fanaticism."

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