Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: your take, and what to do when the market goes bad

"Anyone else here put more then 25% of their portfolio in Aurelian?"


Guilty as charged! (and so are the other 99.9% of folks on this forum)

Do I care? Do I hell! This forum helps keep me in the forefront of what's happening. Most of us longs know the true situation and whilst we are not happy with it right now we are sitting here waiting in the sure knowledge that we'll win through.. maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week but it'll happen.. mark my words!

20 plus million ounces of gold in the ground, still waiting for the supressed news releases, still waiting for aerotem results.. still waiting for Alonso Soto to write an unbiased, truthful article about mining in Ecuador.

I only bet on certainties!



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