Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: From Otto....

Thanks to Otto once again for his perspective on things in Ecuador.

I'd just like to focus on his worst case scenario for a minute and why if Ecuador knows what good for them they won't go down that path.

1. The Legal ramifications would be huge. Surely their memory is longer than 1 week. You may recall that Repsol and the other oil companies took out lawsuits against the government over the WFT. The government backed up quickly to avoid such a fate and gave the oil companies a more favourable deal. On top on this the Canadian government delegation has been by our side the whole way. There are many Ecuadorian stocks in the CPP which impacts all Canadians. So not only could Aurelian and other companies sue, the Canadian government would as well.

2. The economic ramifications would be huge. Ecuador is a poor country. If they screw the mining/oil companies by trying to confiscate a portion of their reserves then say goodnight to any country doing business with them in any way. Foreign investment goes to zero and the locals will go to other countries with their investment dollars (in fact this is already happening). Trust is everything and countries/companies around the world have long memories. On top of this what about the backlash from the thousands and thousands of mining/oil local employees who are being paid 4-5 times the minimum wage and appear to be generally treated quite well.

3. The perception factor is huge. Acosta and his cronies need to know that when he spouts off he is not just talking to Ecuadorians. Investors and potential investors are watching closely as we've seen time and time again with our stock price. We sit here and we try to interpret their rhetoric. Welll it's time to put the onus back on them. Maybe they need a communication course so it is clear what they are saying. Last week Serrano and Chiriboga start their dog and pony shows sounding like rational people then Acosta in his infinite genius starts up again.

Yes I know this is politics Ecuador style and their comments are filled with half truths and code to be deciphered by those educated in such matters.

So for these and many other reasons I remain optimistic that our mining law on the 27th will be more than acceptable, the miners will go back to work, no confiscation with take place and then the final law will be passed. I just wish they could start speaking with one voice which would be good for us the investors, the employees and the people of Ecuador.

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