Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Conspiracy Theory?

Conspiracy Theory?

posted on Jul 05, 2008 04:21AM

Believe it or not....

Apparently there's a conspiracy going on to manipulate the price of ARU! Normally I don't pay attention to conspiracy theories, but this one mentions me and other "prominent" ARU posters, so I thought you all should know, because in my books, you're all prominent!

It's all carefully expressed as opinon of course. No actual facts are presented. What the motives are is anyone's guess.

Here's part of the exchange that took place on the CSI board. Head over there if you want to read the rest.

jdn5 i wont dispute the fact that ebear has provided the aru board with a great amount of political info re. ecuadorian politics. i do however find it strange the lack of discourse on that board re. aru management, for example keith barron stepping down,thats a pretty big deal! yet it was swept under the rug by the aru board.i am long on aru and am in until the end,but it seems to me the unspoken on that board tells me more than what is posted on a daily basis....this message will destruct, though not self destruct.

No, it won't. At least not on my account. I flagged your first post for abuse, and Agoracom removed it. I'll let this one stand so everyone can see how absurd it is. In fact, I'll repost the cancelled article so everyone here can see what this is about. I'll also post it to the ARU board, because it concerns them as well as me.

further to my previous post i find it quite interesting that it was one of aru's most prominent posters that came over here to toss a few grenades. as a long on aru imo that board is very tightly controlled by manipulaters and insiders as since mining was halted in april the only info discussed is the day to day minutia that is equadorian politcs,if you want to know what correa had for lunch tune in. what has been avoided like the plague is managements reaction or lack thereof,to aru,s share collapse on april 18 any reasonable person would raise these questions,however for some unknown reason the aru board has never taken management to task,this screams of manipulation. i know this is ot but beware any aru regulars posting here as ive watched that play unfold for two years......hundreds of posts re aru yet management gets a free pass.


I'll just add that "for some unknown reason the aru board has never taken management to task" is demonstrably false. Clearly, this person hasn't done his homework.


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