Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Kinross/

In an interview, Mr. Anderson conceded the sale has been a bittersweet experience.

Bittersweet for you Patsy but a FINANCIAL DISASTER for the ones that trusted and believed in you - your SHAREHOLDERS.

We're the ones that asked you: "How can we help you Patrick? Can we send emails on your behalf? Tell us what you want us to do and we'll do it. Safe sent that email to you offering our help re a problem you were having to which you later expressed how much those emails helped you.

... and what did you do for us? You SOLD your shares first in Feb08 then you and the BOD sold hundreds of thousands of shares in Apr08 just before the Ecuador Stop Work Order of 18Apr08. I read it was $65 Million Dollars worth of shares you sold during that Feb-Apr08 period. Whatever the amt, your Shareholders can't get sell even a thousand shares void of encountering a substantial loss and most definitely, not by tendering our shares to the Kinross Offer that you brazenly in what must have been a mental stupor, accepted on our behalf. How many bottles of expensive Scotch did Tye bring to each of those meetings.

What was it we were told by Maria, Oh Patrick is getting Married and is buying a house. ... and the BOD, selling in volume along with you, were they getting Married and buying houses too? Your decisions to sell were made at the perfect opportune time, a week prior to the Stop Work Order.

It appears another astute financial decision made was when Kinross, through meetings you had been having for months, was working on an Offer, you issued yourselves cheap options 2.4 Million of them late June and the Offer was announced in July.

For his part, Mr. Anderson said he's already working on his next exploration play. And despite the personal nature of the anti-Kinross-bid campaign, he even found some levity in the situation.

"The Hitler video was kind of funny. That made me laugh."

You're LAUGHING??? You can be assured, due to what appears to be a scheming, ill timed, being the Summer vacation period and prior to the issuance of the new Mineral Law, and foremost, what appears to be, greed, has done to your Shareholders' financial status, we're not laughing. We're in SHOCK!!!

Now you say you sold out fearing the contents of New Mineral Laws. That's not what you were saying prior to the Offer and it's not the public opinion expressed by other Companies operating in Ecaudor. President Correa has been saying he needs foreign investment and wants Mining to improve the economics of his Country. He's even said publically that he's favourable to open Pit Mining under certain conditions. We all agree, due to rampant corruption, they did need a new Mining Law in Ecuador.

The Draft of the New Mining Law has been made public on the Gov't Site for some time now. It reads, to date, by those in the Mining Industry as Reasonable. Comments by Gov't we've heard and read to date has been viewed by the Cos operating in Ecuador as "workable".

Why, with 95,000 acres to explore, Drills on Site, Funds to last through 2009, did u jump at the FIRST Offer recv'd and do so prior to the new Mining Law being Passed. How did u fathom this exchange of shares with a ridiculous Warrant was, at the very least, an "adequate" Offer for the entire 95,000 acres and one the shareholders would be pleased with.

Why would u not want to do as planned, continue to prove up the ppty which u said more than once held "Blue Sky" prospects. Why did u not wait as your shareholders were prepared to do and find out what we actually held on our ppty. We've waited for close to 5 mos. Would another month be that hard to do when u had your shareholders backing your every decision.

We've experienced our share price trading around $10., spiral down to touch the $3.50 area on the worst day when the Work Stoppage was announced. Then, when the New Mineral Laws are due in a few weeks and our shares found an improved $5.50-6.00 level, you sold us out telling us to accept a share exchange offer equal to what is it now, $4.75 p/s.

The price isn't much better than our worst trading day. Plus you've encumbered our Ecuadorian risk with property in Russia. RUSSIA! A Country that confiscates property at Will. How is the Kinross Offer reducing our risk? I for one and every ARU shareholder or they wouldn't be invested in ARU, prefers to take our chances in Ecuador being governed by a US educated Economics Professor, Pres Correa, vs an irratically governed Country like Russia!

When investors discuss the story of Bre-x, the Sell out by the Aurelian CEO Patsy Anderson and the BOD will be discussed too as the story will no doubt be classified in the same derogative category.

You're now a rich but proven yourself to the Mining Industry be a "little man" Patsy. One that I'd surmise can no longer bear to look at himself in the mirror.

I hope you're not expecting a "Negotiating" Position with Kinross. Tye Burt knows enough about your negotiating skills not to have your level of intelligence on Staff.

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