IMO & experience once a Company gets over 90% it's just a formality to ask the court for the balance. There never is 100% because people have died or are out of the country or out of touch. K & ARU is a done deal! K now has between 91% & 95%. The court will know of overwhelming acceptance of the offer & also the political risk. There is nothing else. They will not be judging the conduct of the ARU BOD. That issue is for a different forum such as class action.
I love K management. They have shown they know how to deal. If given a choice I wud rather have run with ARU. That choice is no longer available so 2nd choice is K for the next few years.
IMO it's extremely unlikely remaining ARU shareholders will receive even .05 more than the previous 90% rec'd.
This is not a comment on a potential class action lawsuit.