Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Poll....

The obsfucation on this board is becoming more and more blatant and less and less believable, by readers far less suspicious than me.

Supposed long time ARU holders and posters disappearing as quickly as they appeared 2 years ago.

Supposed ARU holders who seem to do nothing but overshadow ARU with a constant cloud of negativity.

Supposed ARU holders who try to distract and obscure the facts with innuendo and irrelevant details.

Supposed ARU holders who try to discredit those very few ARU investors who have remained positive and try to be the voice of reason.

Constant chorus of why it now is not so bad to tender to the K offer or sell your shares hahahahahahahaha.

Equadorian government which states very positive news at the Denver Show ( to those people who matter and will be potential investors in the country ). While then supposedly retracting it immediately after to those people who do not matter to them and are in competion with them for ARU shares, the small retail investor in ARU hahahahahaha.

Do not be fooled once again by slick presentations and charm, those are the packaging confidence men/women come in. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Once burned people should be twice shy.

I have resently run across people in the mining industry I have not seen in a number of years. I related to them ARU's potential, it inspired a number of them to go out and purchase some ARU shares.

One of the fellows just told me that he had no sooner bought a couple of thousand shares. When a few hours later he immediately gets a courtesy call asking him if he is going to TENDER ( not validly deposit hahahahahaha) to the K offer.

The fact that they are trying to pull off such blatent stupidity is another indication of just how valuable ARU shares really are.

If he had wanted K he would have bought K and not ARU. It is obvious they are monitoring the ARU transactions like carion eaters. Anyone who buy's gets an immediate sales pitch on what a great offer K is giving hahahahahahahahaha.

Hang tough legit ARU shares holder, the upside potential in ARU is tremendous while the down side is miniscule.


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