Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Discount Window


Good to hear from you. You are only one of two posters that have ever managed to decern a little of my character though many have tried to push my buttons thinking they new something of my character. An illusion that I had fun letting them beleive hahahahahahahahaha.

Yes you are right, I think it would be fair to discribe me as very individualistic, I like playing by my own rules and as such tend to be somewhat of a loan wolf. The other poster who I will let remain anonymous stated that people should not debate with me because I thrive on chaos and strife. Well I do like love turmoil because it is not only exciting but presents a large number of opportunities to prosper for those who are nimble and adaptable that otherwise would not be there if everything was calm. Every system needs to be shaken up once in a while so that it does not fall into lethargy or apathy which is not supportive of new growth.

I have never tried to gather followers by my postings. That should be obvious from my somewhat abrasive manner and non political correctness. If I wanted mindless followers well then I would write posts so that they drip with milk and honey like others do. What I have tried to do is give an honest opinion based on facts learned through hours of daily research, experience, logic and common sense. This was done in order to encourage those with an open mind to think and act for themselves rather than be led and there opinions formed for them.

Now with regards to Noront. I do own a very small position in this company having bought it at the 1.80 range. I figured this was a good entry point to take up a small position and it proved a week too early otherwise I would have got it in the 1.50 range.

However while I do on this board attempt to forcast the short term direction of events based on the best of my knowledge at the time I do not speculate on that forecast because there really are to many factors involved that can change. The surprise FED rate increase yesterday for example. That is why I have always said I am a long term investor and not a trader or speculator. I attempt to make short term forcasts in order to keep sharp. If enough of my short term forcasts are correct them I have a higher degree of confidence in my long term forcasts which I invest on.

I personally I do not care if a stock goes down after I bought it at what I thought was a good price as long as I have capital to continue investing in it. After all why should I get mad if something I want becomes cheaper. I like to cost average down though I realize this strategy is not for most people. I am happy if I can take 70% of a stocks move out of the middle and do not sweat the 15 or so percent I might leave on either end. I am also prepared to wait years for a stock to move if I think the eventual percentage increase justifies it.

Now Noront just completed a private placement for 2.75 a share which should lead someone to wonder why anyone would buy shares for 2.75 when they can get them on the open market for aprox 1.50. Strange indeed unless someone knows something I do not.

With regards to does Noront have enough precious metals to justify opening a mine on them alone. Quickly going over the figures at todays price with the results so far I would have to say when all the costs are totaled you are looking marginal. However with the precious metal credits these deposits would be producing base metals at a very low cost of production and maybe even negatve if the price of the precious metals continues to go up. There is also excellent blue sky left for resource expansions at there ring of fire deposits.

However why consider the precious metals only and not the whole deposit. You have misunderstood my posting if you think that I beleive the world economy is going to go up in a mushroom cloud and this is the end of days hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

I beleive the end is coming to fiat paper currency in the form we have worldwide today and all those people who have savings based on it will suffer great losses in purchasing power. This is hardly the end of the world as it was not the end of the world for all those countries in the last 20 years alone who have suffered a currency crisis. It certainly will not be the end of peoples needs for physical goods.

The developing countries are driving physical demand now and I beleive they will continue to do so for years to come so I would not be discounting Noronts base metals.

In a couple months when the ice starts to melt below the feet of the natives camped out on the air strip we will see if they still feel like protesting hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

How long you care to hold your investment in Noront is totally up to you.

O.F. once again these are just my personal opinions and observations and are not in any way to be construed as finacial advice or as a course of action to take. I am not a finacial advisor and as such I do not give out such advice and even if I were I would not give it out over the internet knowing nothing about your finacial status, needs and risk tolerance.

My postings reinforce in my own mind certain important points and events and I am happy to lend my observations to those who care to read in order that they may make there own informed investment decisions.



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