Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Coin Investing


Yes, very important when traveling in unfamiliar lands to scope out the eating establishments before sitting down. Cleanliness of the establishment obviously should be a top priority on a patrons mind in any country.

Cleanliness is next to godliness as they say

However one can't sit in the doorway for ever before making up his mind to enter the establishment, especially when he has been asked to sit by the matradee. Doing so may attract attention and possibly panic the other patrons.

I have always found while running jobs that those crews who kept a clean work heading on first inspection were usually the safest and most efficient workers and you did not need to worry about them too much. No doubt you can expand that observation into other aspects of peoples lives.

The places you descibed sound nice indeed and I will perhaps have to consider Cabo a little more carefully as a possible trip.

The rip tides you described on the one side would not bother me much since I understand how they work. Being a strong swimmer having grown up on the great lakes I find it hard to beleive that anybody can actually drown in the buoyant ocean water. Perhaps having size 13 feet helps me hahahahahahahahahahaha.

Most people drown in rip tides because they panic and try to swim against the current and fight it thus exhausting themselves. The trick is to swim across them and get out of it since in most cases they are narrow rivers of water. If the current is to powerful then just relax and go with the flow hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Now there are readers out there that are probably wondering why I would even want to chance such currents and that I am just dumb hahahahahahahaha.

Well the fact is in rip currents there are many interesting things to see because they attract all manner of interesting characters who come to feed on the material stired up by these currents. Thus they make very good places for people like me who like to snorkel and observe such things. If one knows what they are doing and by staying on the edge of the rip current they can ride it out and then ride the surf back in thus going around and around while using minimal energy.

Thus you see it is all a matter of knowledge and experience and a good pair of flippers never hurt either hahahahahahahahahahaha.



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