Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Coin Investing


Unfortunately your comment about stupid tourists is so correct.

I know for business reasons that these resorts feel that they need to protect there guests from there own stupidity. Afterall it is never good for business and P.R. if foolish tourists enter waters they are unprepared for and drown. Like most people and especially stupid ones they are not willing to accept the consequences of there own actions and look to blame someone else for there own stupidity. This is a dangerous situation when combined with the lawsuit slap happy society we have today.

I imagine that it is a sort of love hate situation for the resort. On one hand they love stupid tourists because they usually blow all there money on every stupidity the resort has to offer which is good for business. On the other hand you must baby sit them so that they do not get into trouble.

Unfortunately this policy of protecting the guest from themselves is very limiting to those capable lone wolf types like myself. Afterall a resort limiting your activities to that of probably the least capable guest that they could expect to have is insulting to a person such as myself. That is the problem with the west today. It is felt that everybody should be made to go a certain pace so no one is left behind. Unfortunately what happens inevitably is that the entrepreneurial and pioneering spirit is taken out of everyone or it leaves for less restrictive shores and the society stagnates.

I would think that signs posted on the beach and certain waivers and assurances signed between the guest and resort would be sufficient to allow them to go about their own business. Afterall if I wanted to swim in calm, warm, safe waters then I would just stay in the resort pool or hot tub hahahahahahahahaha.

Now I do not rock the boat unnecessarily and if I can be assured that there are interesting things to see in the calm waters then that is where I would go.

I learned long ago that there is nothing given for free, you or someone else paid for it somewhere and somehow along the line. Thus I am always leary of someone offering a free ride somewhere, it may not always be in my best interests to accept it.

Then again if I do go to this resort and find the calm waters to my dissatisfaction I guess I could always go back to the more exciting side of the beach. Afterall the resort does not own the ocean.

I have been to Cancun and for the most part I found it to be nothing but a tourist trap. I am not very interested in the night life of resort towns.

Cancun did have the nicest beach with regards to the quality of its sand that I have ever seen. It was like walking on iceing sugar, spectacular.

Thanks for the tips on Baja, I am giving it considerable consideration.



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