Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Just noticed ARU boys still around.So.Of my 10 Gold Co.....


any reports about my premature demise you may have heard are totally figments of someones overactive imagination or there wishfull thinking.

I am harder to eradicate than the rhinovirus hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

It is nice to see the old gang getting back together here once again!

I was gone for a while because I had other business and then was too busy taking advantage of the market crash to post and thought nobody at that time would want to hear what a long term investor such as myself would have to say.

Market crashes are only good for shorters and those people like myself who love to cost average down. Most people do not have the balls to buy when blood is running in the streets and thus would not want to hear what I had to say. I do not short but I did manage to pick the bottom of the precious metal stocks and load up on them.

Unfortunately sometimes the misfortunes of many people makes a fortune for the few.

We are I believe on the cusp of a large market rally in precious metal related investments and thus I thought I would start posting once again.

All in my honest opinion of course as always.



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