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Message: Platinex vs Ontario Govt

Platinex vs Ontario Govt

posted on Mar 18, 2010 05:01PM

Platinex settled their Big Trout Lake claim against the Ontario Govt for $5 million plus its exploration expenses. Now they have released an NR stating the Govt has redated claim filing dates on all holdings, including very large ones in the ROF. This is a benefit of well over $1 million in value. Does anyone know why the Govt would do such a thing?

The NR is not up on the Platinex website yet and I have just read the highlites, so maybe the answer is in there. Seems odd to me. Maybe part of the settlement not previously announced? Have to hand it to them, they are doing better with the government than with their exploration efforts.

Best, O.F.

P.S.: CMM is moving up -- good time to get on board.

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