Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Coin Investing


I understand and you have sold me on Baja and the Sunset resort. Sitting on a long secluded stretch of white sand with a warm ocean breeze coming in off the ocean while watching the sunset dip over the horizon with a drink in hand certainly is appealing right about now.

You have also satisfied me for now about the tricky currents and I will defer to your more intimate knowledge of the area. I would be foolish to disregard the advice of someone who has scouted the area out before me and is knowledgable about coastal waters.

After all only fools rush in where wise men tread carefully and it would be foolish to disrespect the power of the ocean and my moma raised no fools.

No doubt you are correct about the beach on the other side and even though I prefer my solitude even a lone wolf such as myself needs a little social interaction once in a while. I am sure there would be plenty of interesting things to observed there during the day.

Besided that stretch of sand has been there for who knows how many millions of years and its not like it is going to go away any time soon. Those currents will still be there long after I am gone and I feel no urgent need at the moment to get too adventureous.

I am not having a mid life crisis yet hahahahahahahahaha.



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