advancing to production

100%-owned Mary River iron ore deposits, Baffin Island, Nunavut Territory, Canada.

Message: Adding

Re: Adding

in response to by
posted on Oct 08, 2008 11:27AM

These prices are insane. I thought this stock was a steal at 3 bucks. Never really thought that I would see it drop to here.

This stock has crazy potential. The iron ore is some of the purest in the world. The company I work for is most likely going to get the contract to build the railway/infrastructure on site. From what I've been told the ore is so pure you can arch weld right onto the ground. Thats pure. If we get the contract I know that I wll be on the first thing flying in there.

The only thing that I'm concerned about is with the current markets and credit crisis. I'm worried that BIM wouldn't be able to borrow the 4-5 billion they need to get the railway and infrastructure up and running. Anyone ever thought of BIM being bought out?????


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