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Message: Re: Just Here For the Girls?
Dec 24, 2013 07:35PM
Dec 24, 2013 07:37PM
Dec 26, 2013 02:34PM
Dec 27, 2013 01:35PM

hondo, i dont think they're building the locations just revamping old ones (and seem to do a nice job, at least here.). What really got me interested here in Florida is they have two locations that sprouted up a few months ago. each is about a mile from me. what they did was take 2 closed down "farm stores" (i dont know if they buy or lease but i think they bought them.) i really need to check on this because the real estate they got was a good investment and i know they stole it if it was a purchase. i'll let you know what i find out about the real estate. Also, i know the 2 florida locations near me are part of a JV/investment with private equity/partnership. The 2 locations are both on prime main blvd acces. one of the locations seems to be busy most of the time and i know a few guys that go there for coffee and say it's great and cheaper than starbucks (i still hav'nt been there because i tend to like my boobies with beer but maybe i'll stop today). the other location seems slow. i'd really like one of the guys involved in this to give us some info here at agora. i contacted the company via email right before christmas to let them know a new board was starting but so far no contact. i've seen a lot of complaining on investors hub about it being a scam etc. but so far nobody has posted any factual info and all i can say is that there actually are 2 locations here and one seems to be doing well. at some point i'll get off my butt and get some dd done. just been real busy here. you guys have a good new year!

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