Exploring for Gold in the Rainy River and Red Lake districts of Northwestern Ontario

81m @ 5.08 g/t Gold, 28m @ 13.28 g/t Gold, 9m @ 12.88 g/t Gold, 46.6m @ 2.28 g/t Gold plus Bonanza grade Silver (up to 1760 g/t)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010 News Release
Bayfield Drills 89.96 g/tGold over 1.1m within 46.6m of 2.28 g/t Gold in Rainy River, NW Ontario

Vancouver, BC - Bayfield Ventures Corp.(TSX-V: BYV) (FWB: B4N) (the "Company") is pleased to announce anadditional significant gold intercept on its 100% owned Burns Blockproperty in the Rainy River District of north-western Ontario. The BurnsBlock is situated adjacent to the east and on strike to Rainy RiverResources' (TSX-V: RR) multi-million ounce gold deposit. Rainy RiverResources' March 2010 NI 43-101 compliant resource includes 2.37 millionounces of gold at 1.3 g/t in the indicated category and an additional2.66 million ounces of gold at 1.2 g/t in the inferred category.

Rainy River gold properties claims map:

- Significant High Grade Intercept: 89.96 g/t Au over 1.1m and 9.52 g/tAu over 10.6m, all within 46.6m of 2.28 g/t Au
- Continued Delineation of High Grade Target: Hole RR10-52 was collared50m NNE of high grade hole RR10-18 and 75m SSW of hole RR10-15
- Higher Grade as well as Lower Grade, Bulk Tonnage Gold Mineralizationon Burns: gold intercepts reported on Burns Block continue to defineeastern extension of Rainy River Resource's main ODM17 gold zone
- Newly Discovered Zone Below 1000 Metres: deep drilling intersectsthree distinct foliation/alteration zones on Burns Block; assayspending.
- A VTEM and high sensitivity Cesium Magnetic Survey will be flown overBurns, "B" and "C" Blocks

Discussion of High Grade Results from Hole RR10-52:

Hole RR10-52 was collared 50 metres north-northeast of high grade holeRR10-18 and 75 metres south-southwest of hole RR10-15. High grade goldmineralization was intersected in RR10-52 from 402.4 metres to 403.5metres down hole. The position of this mineralized zone lines up wellwith the interpreted 400 metre linear plunge distance of goldmineralization between holes RR10-15 and RR10-18. Drilling anddelineation of this target area is continuing.

A 1.1 metre interval of high grade gold mineralization is centered on aseries of calcite/quartz veins and veinlets containing numerous showingsof visible gold. Accessory minerals include abundant sphalerite as wellas pyrite stringer veinlets and fracture fills along with mm-scaleveinlets of bladed galena inter-grown with other unidentified fine greyto brownish black sulfides. The veins and veinlets containing thevisible gold are generally coplanar with intense foliation developed inthe quartz eye dacite volcanic wall rocks.

Updated Burns Block drilling exploration map:

Gold Assay Results from RR10-52:

DRILL HOLE    AZ. °   DIP °   FROM (m)   TO (m)  INTERVAL (m)   GOLD (g/t)  GOLD ZONE
RR10-52 358 88 394.0 452.0 58.0 1.84 283 Zone
including 402.4 449.0 46.6 2.28
and 402.4 413.0 10.6 9.52
and 402.4 403.5 1.1 89.96

* g/t = grams per metric tonne
* Mineralized intervals in table above are estimated to be 75% of truewidth

Deep Hole RR10-51 Target Details and Initial Geologic Results:

Hole RR10-51 has been drilled in the southwest portion of the BurnsBlock to a depth of 1223 metres. The purpose of the hole is to explorefor the continuation of a 17 metre thick zone of gold mineralizationintersected in hole RR10-3 during Bayfield's three hole winter 2010drill program (see news release dated March 3, 2010). The zone occurswell below the main extension of the ODM17 gold mineralization onto theBurns Block and is thought to potentially represent the down dipcontinuation of Rainy River Resources' 433 gold zone.

Initial logging results from hole RR10-51 show the presence of threedistinct zones of strong foliation, sericite/silica alteration andsulfide mineralization of dacite to rhyolite volcanic host rocks. Theupper of the three zones lines up with the well established 283 Zone(i.e. the eastward extension of the main ODM17 gold zone). The middlezone is likely the down dip target of the 433 gold zone mentioned above.The third zone intersected below 1000 metres is entirely new as no holehas ever been drilled to these depths on the Burns Block. Sampling ofthe newly discovered lower zone is underway and all assays from the holeare pending.

Cross section of Burns Block looking east:

Hole RR10-51 has been drilled as a pure exploration hole. It isanticipated that 3 to 6 additional deep holes will be completed over thenext several months to test the potential down dip extension of the 433zone as well as the newly discovered deeper zone below 1000 metres.

VTEM and Cesium Magnetic Survey:

Bayfield has contracted Geotech Ltd. to fly a combined VTEM and highsensitivity cesium magnetometer survey over its Burns, "B" and "C" Blockproperties. A total of 308 line kilometres will be flown in the survey.The data will be used to advance the understanding of the structuralgeology of the surveyed areas as well as to provide specific drilltargets at discrete conductors, resistors and fault intersections as maybe identified in the acquired data. The survey is to commenceimmediately.

Exploration Potential:

Bayfield is still at an early stage of exploration on its Rainy Riverproperties with approximately 25,000 metres of drilling completed out ofthe planned 50,000+ metre drill program. Results are still pending forseveral holes.

Jim Pettit, CEO of Bayfield Ventures, stated: "We are very excited withthe results from hole RR10-52 as they have confirmed the continuity ofthe high grade gold zone discovered between RR10-18 and RR10-15. Thecurrent drill program is successfully delineating lower grade, bulktonnage gold mineralization as well as higher grade zones with drillresults right on par with Rainy River Resources'. With drilling slatedto continue well into next year, the Company is confident it cancontinue defining the gold system on the Burns Block both near surfaceand at depth."

Quality Assurance:

Drill core analysis and assaying is being conducted by ACT Labs inThunder Bay, Ont. The lab is ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (CAN-P-4E) certified.The drill core is split and sampled in standard 0.5 metre to 1 metreintervals. The core samples were analyzed for gold by 30-gm fire assaywith AA finish and by gravimetric methods from assays over 3000 ppb(over limit). Screened total metallic assays are being performed onsamples assaying over 10,000 ppb. The Company has implemented a qualityassurance and quality control program to ensure that the sampling andanalysis of all samples is conducted in accordance with the bestpossible practices.

Shane Hu, P.Geo., Project Geologist for Bayfield Ventures is theQualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101 andsupervised both the project field and the preparation of the technicalinformation in this release.

About Bayfield Ventures Corp.:

Bayfield Ventures Corp. is exploring for gold in the Rainy RiverDistrict of north-western Ontario.

The Company has approximately 53 million shares outstanding and over$7.5 million in its treasury.

For further information on Bayfield Ventures Corp. (TSX-V: BYV), visitthe Company's web site at www.bayfieldventures.com.


"Jim Pettit"
James G. Pettit
Chairman and CEO

For further information contact myself or:
Don Myers
Bayfield Ventures Corp.
Telephone: 604-687-3376
Toll Free: 800-567-8181
Facsimile: 604-687-3119
Email: info@bayfieldventures.com

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