Welcome To The Bellhaven Copper and Gold HUB On AGORACOM

Colombia & Panama gold/copper projects

Message: Large block through on BHV at days end

I see a 600k+ block of shares went through at an elevated pace of $.55 today (11/8/2010). Will be interesting to see how the follow-through is. I stand by the opinion that this is a cheap equity and it will re-value higher, possibly a lot higher.

Panama drills should be cranking within 3 weeks, and we should have more results from La Cantera and possibly the Middle Zone again too later in Nov/early Dec. All in all, cashed up and ready to move forward.

On a macro level, the juniors seem to finally be waking up, and when they do it'll be a quick rise up to much higher levels, IMO. Good luck.

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